Much like our changing hair color, wrinkles forming on our faces is a sure sign that our bodies are aging. As much as we would like to stave off these unwanted signs of old age – wrinkles and gray or white hair – they are inevitable given the immutable changes that occur as we become older.

Our life-style habits, the environment we live in, along with sun exposure, and our unique genetics, are all determining factors that influence when wrinkles will make their debut on our faces. But if you are like many of us, you are probably curious to know what measures we can take to forestall the appearance of wrinkles.

What Causes Wrinkles?

Ultraviolet radiation, which accelerates the natural aging process, is the primary cause of early wrinkling. Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun breaks down your skin’s connective tissue — collagen and elastin fibers, which reside in the deeper layer of your skin. 

The onset of wrinkles is ultimately influenced simply by the inevitable aging process. As you get older, your skin gradually becomes thinner and drier. When your skin does not have as much moisture or volume as it used to, it can also make it more susceptible to wrinkles.

8 Ways to Prevent or Delay Wrinkles

The biggest battle looming when it comes to wrinkles is what is known as intrinsic aging. Intrinsic aging involves genetics playing a role in how your skin ages over time.

Despite this unstoppable force that marks the aging process, we can exert some control when it comes to how soon wrinkles show up. There are lifestyle choices you can make that can influence the timing of the onset of wrinkles. Taking good care of your skin can enable you to be wrinkle-free for a long time.

1)     Protect Yourself from the Sun

For example, protecting your skin from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays with the use of sunscreen has the ability to slow down the signs of aging skin. For additional protection when outdoors, you could wear a wide brim hat, and light-colored clothes that will reflect the sun. Sunglasses are also instrumental in protecting your face from those powerful rays.

2)     Stay Hydrated

Drinking adequate amounts of water every day – at least eight eight-ounces glasses of water – is good for your overall health and will keep your skin supple. In fact, water can keep your skin healthy and hydrated from the inside.

According to one 2015 study that was conducted on a healthy group of women, it was found that consuming greater quantities of water has an impact on the hydration of the skin.  It might also positively affect skin physiology.

A 2017 study revealed that drinking lemon balm leaf extract – usually found in tea – could help increase the skin’s elasticity and correct tissue damage.

3)     Avoid Smoking

Smoking is one of the worst habits you can have when it comes not only to negatively impacting your lungs, but also your skin. Tobacco smoke damages the collagen and elastin, which are the fibers that provide your skin with elasticity and strength.

And it doesn’t stop there. The nicotine in cigarettes causes your blood vessels to narrow. This decreases the blood flow to your skin. This results in your skin receiving less oxygen.  Nicotine can also restrict the important nutrients, such as vitamin A, from getting to your skin.

The heat associated with cigarette smoke may also cause wrinkles, according to the Mayo Clinic.  A smoker can also experience wrinkling around the mouth just from repeated pursing of the lips to inhale smoke from the cigarette.

4)     Adequate Sleep

When you don’t get adequate sleep, your body produces extra amounts of cortisol, a hormone that breaks down skin cells.  This is according to Yale dermatologist Nicholas Perricone, MD.  Conversely, when you have sufficient sleep, your body will produce more HGH, or Human Growth Hormone, which assists in keeping skin more elastic and less likely to wrinkle.

5)     Sleep on Your Back

As odd as it may seem, how you sleep can influence the development of wrinkles on your face. In fact, sleeping in particular positions night after night can eventually lead to the formation of sleep lines, which are wrinkles that are etched into the surface of the skin. They do not vanish after you wake up. This is according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD).

When you sleep on your side, this increases wrinkles on your cheeks and chin.  Sleeping face-down causes you to have a furrowed brow.

The AAD recommends sleeping on your back if you want to limit the likelihood of wrinkles.

6)     Consume Food Rich in Vitamins

What you eat can have a direct impact on the suppleness of your skin.

A Dutch study conducted in 2019 that involved more than 2,700 participants showed that dietary habits are directly connected to facial wrinkling, especially in women.

The study revealed that women whose diets included a considerable amount of red meat and unhealthy snacks usually had more facial wrinkles than women who consumed more fruit in their diet.

You can improve your skin’s elasticity and protect yourself from skin damage by eating foods that are high in anti-inflammatory or antioxidant properties. These types of foods will also protect against premature aging.

Examples of these beverages and foods are the following:

7)  Relax Your Face

 Whenever you smile, squint, or frown, you can accelerate the formation of wrinkles.  Pursing of the lips can also in time bring about the development of wrinkles.

 If you are squinting a lot, you might have your eyes examined and see if you need glasses.

 If you are frowning or scowling quite a bit, you might look into ways to relieve stress.

 Another antidote to countering the effects of repeated facial movements is having a face massage. Massaging your face promotes oxygen and blood flow in your skin. This decreases puffiness and creates a brighter skin tone and appearance. A massage will also increase collagen production, which does prevent the formation of wrinkles.

 8)     Use a Retinoid

Derived from vitamin A, retinoids are one of the most proven anti-aging ingredients available. Retinoids can increase collagen production, which helps to plump the skin.

 What’s more, retinoids promote skin regeneration and can facilitate the creation of new blood vessels, which help improve the skin’s general appearance and texture.

 There are five primary types of retinoids, and each offers varying degrees of strength. There are some that are available in creams and gels that you can purchase over the counter. Others you can obtain by a prescription.

 Dermatologists suggest beginning with a small amount to gauge your skin’s tolerance to the retinoid product. You should also start by using it every other day to prevent the possibility of peeling.